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My role // 3D Design & Animation


C4D // Redshift
Substance Painter
Adobe After Effects
Davinci Resolve


Three Days Of Fall is a passion project that showcases three different 3D illustrations during the best season, Fall. I had a blast coming up with various compositions and color palettes. As you scroll down, you will see a recurring character, the little bird, appear in different places. I hope you enjoy it!


Fall At Night is the most important scene to me. It was the scene that set the foundation for the entire project in terms of style, composition, and narrative. Recently, rewatching Ratatouille sparked an obsession with the idea of small animals longing to be part of human lives, whether in a kitchen or outside a bakery. 

Inspired by this movie, I chose to focus on a little bird as my main character. Once I settled on the character and location, it was time for building the aesthetic, which covers the time of day, color palette, and more.


Fall off the Grid is undoubtedly my favorite scene, mainly due to the introduction of DaVinci Resolve to my workflow. The program's power truly shocked me. Maybe it's just me, but I've always wanted to escape to the woods and camp in a cozy A-frame cabin despite my lack of camping experience. This scene allowed me to experiment with lighting, texturing, modeling, and color correction to capture the perfect mood. 


Fall at Home, the final illustration, presented a unique set of challenges. Initially, I chose a wider shot with a different color palette for the trees. However, I soon realized that the composition was becoming too busy. To address this, I decided to move the camera closer to the house, giving me better control over the lighting and focal points of the scene. Ultimately, this adjustment resulted in a more refined composition that I'm pleased with.

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